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1. The Heart of the Demon God (魔神の心臓, Majin no Shinzō?)
2. The Dragon Thieves (竜の略奪者, Ryū no Ryakudatsusha?)
3. The Champion's Blades (覇者の剣, Hasha no Tsurugi?)
4. The Lost Vehicles (失われたビークル, Ushinawareta Bīkuru?)
5. The Imperial Pearl (帝国の真珠, Teikoku no Shinju?)
6. The Cursed Fog (呪いの霧, Noroi no Kiri?)
7. The Salamander's Scale (火竜(サラマンダー)のウロコ, Saramandā no Uroko?)
8. The Treasure of Atlantis (アトランティスの秘宝, Atorantisu no Hihō?)
9. The Paper Crane Ninja (折鶴の忍者, Orizuru no Ninja?)
10. BoukenRed Disappears (消えたボウケンレッド, Kieta BōkenReddo?)
11. The Showdown on the Isolated Island (孤島の決戦, Kotō no Kessen?)
12. The Pipes of Hamelin (ハーメルンの笛, Hāmerun no Fue?)
13. The Treasures of Princess Kaguya (かぐや姫の宝, Kaguya-hime no Takara?)
14. The Revived Past (甦る過去, Yomigaeru Kako?)
15. The Water Metropolis (水の都, Mizu no Miyako?)
16. The Water Crystal (水のクリスタル, Mizu no Kurisutaru?)
17. The Ashu Mirror (アシュの鏡, Ashu no Kagami?)
18. The Man that Lived (生きていた男, Ikiteita Otoko?)
19. The Dazzling Adventurer (眩き冒険者, Mabayuki Bōkensha?)
20. The Brand-New Giant (新たなる巨人, Aratanaru Kyojin?)
21. The Mallet of Uchide (打出の小槌, Uchide no Kozuchi?)
22. The Ring of Solomon (ソロモンの指輪, Soromon no Yubiwa?)
23. The Dangerous Partner (あぶない相棒, Abunai Aibō?)
24. The Hatsune Drum (初音の鼓, Hatsune no Tsuzumi?)
25. The Forbidden Fruit (禁断の果実, Kindan no Kajitsu?)
26. The Glass Slipper (ガラスの靴, Garasu no Kutsu?)
27. The Feng-Shui Trap (風水占いの罠, Fūsui Uranai no Wana?)
28. The Legendary Armor (伝説の鎧, Densetsu no Yoroi?)
29. The Golden Sword (黄金の剣, Ōgon no Ken?)
30. The Rage of the Golden Majin (怒りの黄金魔人, Ikari no Ōgon Majin?)
31. The Flame of the Ruined Country (亡国の炎, Bōkoku no Honō?)
32. The Secret of the Adventure School (ボウケン学校の秘密, Bōken Gakkō no Himitsu?)
33. The Sun of Lemuria (レムリアの太陽, Remuria no Taiyō?)
34. The Distant Memories (遼かなる記憶, Harukanaru Kioku?)
35. The Head of God (神の頭, Kami no Kashira?)
36. The Oni's Kanabou (鬼の金棒, Oni no Kanabō?)
37. The Showbiz World I Longed For (憧れの芸能界, Akogare no Geinō-kai?)
38. The Rainbow Cloth (虹の反物, Niji no Tanmono?)
39. The Prometheus Stone (プロメテウスの石, Purometeusu no Ishi?)
40. The Western Ashu (西のアシュ, Nishi no Ashu?)
41. The Mercurius Vessel (メルクリウスの器, Merukuriusu no Utsuwa?)
42. The Age of the Questers (クエスターの時代, Kuesutā no Jidai?)
43. The Dangerous Christmas Present (危険な贈物(クリスマスプレゼント), Kiken na Kurisumasu Purezento?)
44. The Hermit's Onsen (仙人の温泉, Sennin no Onsen?)
45. The Evilest Wicked Dragon (最凶の邪悪竜, Saikyō no Jaakuryū?)
46. The Awakened Darkness (目覚めた闇, Mezameta Yami?)
47. The Box of Despair (絶望の函, Zetsubō no Hako?)
48. The Fearsome High Priest (恐怖なる大神官, Kyōfu naru Daishinkan?)
49. Endless Adventure Spirits (果て無き冒険魂, Hatenaki Bōken Damashii?)
Happy Downloadin'......
The Movie <== by qwerty012345678
[skewedstudio] Boukenger VS Super Sentai
Boukenger VS Super Sentai <== by qwerty012345678
Boukenger OP <== Boukenger OP sumbangan ajiaja
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